Bob's picture



This campaign champions the case for a mutual sector of financial institutions offering mortgage lending and investment saving options within the UK financial marketplace. Building societies date back to a terminating society based in Birmingham in 1775. Small groups of people joined together to provide mutual financial support allowing members to become housed. That tradition is now in jeopardy. At the beginning of the twentieth century there were 2286 societies, now there are only 65 building societies remaining within the UK. Mutual societies should operate for the benefit of their members.

It is celebration year in 2003 for Harpenden BS which is 50 years old this year & 140 years of existence for Leek United BS and Universal BS this year.

LATEST NEWS April 2003

LATEST NEWS - We provide a reliable service to our supporters - look at our ratecheck page to check out the high rates of interest for 'regular savings' with your building society.

Subject: "Widening the debate on mutuality".
Storyline: SOBS update their release of an imaginative discussion document entitled
"Developing our Mutual Health Service": a blueprint for the future

Bob Goodall comments: "Mutuality is the basis of many national organisations. The NHS is arguably one of our most important mutuals and we have used the lull in the fight against the carpetbaggers to release a discussion document on how to make the NHS an even better mutual organisation.

"The document is designed to stimulate discussion and help widen the public's understanding of just what mutuality is all about." We welcome as much feedback as possible from the media and members of the public. A copy has been sent to the Health Secretary the Rt Hon Alan Milburn MP for his consideration.

Tony Blair speaking 2nd October 2001..."Our Mutual Interests and our self-interests" are "inextricably woven together" i.e. They are one and the same. The pro-mutual campaign Save Our Building Societies has been saying this on your behalf for years, says campaign co-ordinator Bob Goodall. "It is in our self interest to protect and develop mutuality" he adds.

Full Quote: "But what is the lesson of the financial markets, climate change, international terrorism, nuclear proliferation or world trade? It is that
our SELF-INTERESTS and our MUTUAL INTERESTS are today inextricably woven together."

Don't get mad - get busy - says Margaret Dibben. Fight financial injustice by starting your own campaign, The hard work and long hours can pay off...

"Instead of blaming the darkness, light a candle"

Building societies becoming more efficient and narrowing margins - but difficult times ahead - read the latest report by KPMG

Thank you - you are one of MANY visitors to the SOBS website each day.

We now introduce a moderated bulletin board.

Who says that we won't give the other side the right of reply?
Click now on to see the latest material on their
site. Make sure your speakers are turned on!

the revised web site for National Counties BS

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BEST VIEW IN updated 20th April 2003