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Who is the “Mr Big” organising the carpetbaggers?

SOBS launches a bid to find out who Ord really is. Is he for example as some a maintain a financial journalist? Or is he “something” in the city? Does he work for a clearing bank or is he an anarchist - the two last being natural enemies of mutual building socieities. We give Mr big carpetbagger an identiity of sorts. -oranges and lemons said the Bells of St Clements .Now this is the tune of the ghastly clearing banks who catergorise their customers into fruits. -So what better than when launching the search for Mr Big Carpetbaggers we depict him as an orange (with shades). We invite you among the carpetbagging fraternity to split on Mr big Carpetbaegger aka the orange. All correspondence will be treated in the strictest confidence.

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site updated 30 Dec 2000