Press Release 85 Date: 21.2.00
Subject: Another 600 jobs to go at Bradford & Bingley? -in anticipation of conversion If the Mail on Sunday report yesterday is correct it really does drive home the point that the Union of Bradford & Bingley must come out fighting! Storyline: “Why didn’t the dog bark in the Night?” Why is the Union of Bradford & Bingley remaining quiet as their members lose their jobs? So far 275 jobs have recently being axed at Leamington Spa, 90 at New Barnet and 70 agencies are to close. B & B have promised it has nothing to do with cutting costs to make profits for the the army of shareholders to be served after the anticipated conversion. Note to the Editor Financial Unions have not distinguished themselves of late in fighting for their members jobs. Unifi complemented Barclays on their policy of staff development after 5,000 were axed. Roger Lyons (MSF) performed pitifully on ‘Wake up to Money’ (Radio 5Live) this morning acting as an apologist for the managers plan to axe 4,000 to make more profit -again for shareholders when Norwich Union and CGU merge. He said the losses would merely be ‘natural wastage’. (Did the Insurers PR write this for him?) Union of Bradford & Bingley refused to support our attempt to include 6 resolutions in the Spring AGM one of which was designed to protect peoples jobs -WHY? We submitted 358 resolutions before we ran out of time. failing to reach the necesary 500. With the Unions help we could have got the resolutions put before the membership. -We believe most staff are members of B & B. Perhaps the Unions are too close to the managment. The expression “Why didn’t the dog bark in the night” springs to mind. Bob Goodall co-ordinator “Save Our Building Societies” campaign tel 01727 847 370(24hrs)