Press Release 76 Date: Sunday 28.11.99
Leek United Building Society versus Murray Financial plc Storyline: SOBS predicts heavy defeat for Murray Financial! SOBS are predicting that when the votes are counted on Friday 3.12.99 Murray Financial will face a crushing and ignominious defeat that will cast the most serious doubt on their credibility and future effectiveness. “Corporate carpetbagging will be dead in the water!” Every single indicator suggests defeat for this unwelcome and uninvited bid by Murray Bob Goodall says “Murray were beaten from the very beginning! They made the fatal decision to target a society which has the very strongest local loyalty and commitment from its members. Ken Murray may not have realised it but Leek and the surrounding area is a closely knit community with core values.” “The people of this area are shrewd folk who can see the true facts for themselves. They realise what the consequences of takeover from Murray would mean. -Higher mortgage costs, lower rates of interest for savers and branch closures.” Ken Murray must be crying in his porridge! because he will be only too aware of what faces his so called corporation when the defeat is anounced -Murrays shares will be immediately unfrozen and available for trading -and what then? Note to the Editor Shares are frozen while a bid is underway. Hypothetically If Murray were to immediately make a bid for another society after 3.12.99 - their shares would be frozen again and once again unavailable for trading -who knows? Press Release by Bob Goodall co-ordinator “Save Our Building Societies” campaign tel 01727 847 370 (24hrs)