Press Release 17 6th July 1998

STORYLINE 1: Bringing out the vote. How we intend to ensure that mutuality wins the day at Nationwide, on July 21st. The side that wins any vote is the one that mobilises the greatest percentage of it's supporters as such:
In the time left SOBS will now target the various distinctive groups within Nationwide who make up SOBS natural constituency. SOBS will use the considerable political and organisational skills available to it to bring out the vote that exists against demutualisation.

Storyline 2: SOBS appeals for further support from the public in the run-up to 21st July

Note to the Editor1
There is speculation that the Nationwide building society vote is currently running neck to neck. The deadline for votes is 21st July.

Vincent Cable MP quote "This is one of the most important stories running; the Nationwide vote will affect all of us in some way or another. We should be concerned that the Mutual status of the Nationwide building society is saved"

Bob Goodall quote: "Whatever happens in the next 16 days will then determine provision of home providing mortgages in the next millennium."

Bob Goodall quote: "it may be difficult for Nationwide to campaign against demutualisation for reasons of electoral law but SOBS does not have the same restraints. We will redouble our efforts; we will prevail!" Targeting our natural constituency among those eligible to vote.

Methods. Letters to Newspapers, (National & Local), Television, radio. Local meetings by activists. Lobbying MPS. Making full use of political connections. Networking. Making people fully aware of the seriousness of the situation Making use of sympathetic celebrities. etc


SOBS will start a countdown to 21st July
E.g. each press release will be headed by the days to go: e.g. 16 days to n day or something snappier.

Media weekend contact details..
Vincent Cable MP Mobile Tel 0958 476 371
Bob Goodall Co-ordinator SOBS Tel 01727 847370

Note to the Editor 2:
SOBS Natural Constituency includes:
1) Borrowers: We will drive home the message by all means available to one million borrowers that with one hand they might be given a windfall (which may be a lot smaller than people think) but with he other hand the cost of their mortgage will rise considerably. On a £60,000 typical mortgage a mortgagee may pay at least £35 an extra per MONTH for the entire life of their mortgage. And this figure may well rise!

As such we should expect nothing less than a full million block vote against demutualisation. That is only to start with!

2) Lenders: Those who want a higher interest rate for their savings.

3) The socially aware: Those who care about their community & the choice of mortgages their children will have in the future. The evidence from the previous vote is that this type of person is in the majority among the members of Nationwide. We just need them to vote.

Bob Goodall quote "You could say the millennium bug is already on us. The contagion are the activities of carpetbaggers who wish to asset-strip the building society movement." "We need all hands to the pump to resist them."

How people can help the SOBS campaign: Anyone wishing to help should write to Bob Goodall at "Save Our Building Societies", 8 Belmont Court, Belmont Hill, St Albans, Herts AL1 RB or telephone him on 01727 847370 (24hrs)

Press Release by Bob Goodall Tel 01727 84737
Co-ordinator "Save Our Building Societies" campaign