Press Release 101
Date: Monday 6th August 2001
Subject: "Widening the debate on mutuality".
Storyline: SOBS release an imaginative discussion document entitled
"Developing our Mutual Health Service": a blueprint for the future
Bob Goodall comments: "Mutuality is the basis of many national organisations. The NHS is arguably one of our most important mutuals and we have used the lull in the fight against the carpetbaggers to release a discussion document on how to make the NHS an even better mutual organisation.
"The document is designed to stimulate discussion and help widen the public's
understanding of just what mutuality is all about." We will be putting
the text on our website [Full
text] and welcome as much feedback as possible from the media and members
of the public. A copy has been sent to the Health Secretary the Rt Hon Alan
Milburn MP for his consideration.
Bob Goodall co-ordinator
"Save Our Building Societies" campaign
"A thousand strong campaign fighting for mutuality"